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Pre Procedure Preparation


In an effort to prepare you for your upcoming procedure, we’ve created a list of general pre-operative guidelines for you. You will receive a more detailed set of post-operative guidelines at either your pre-operative visit or day of surgery, but we provide these just to help you adequately prepare ahead of time.

  1. Discuss any prescribed medications with Dr Watts and the prescribing doctor and make sure you DISCONTINUE MEDICATIONS AS ADVISED. Make sure you advise Dr Watts of all medications you are taking especially any containing aspirin, ibuprofen, blood-thinners, Vitamin E, and ALL herbal supplements. These medications can cause prolonged bleeding and may need to be ceased at least 1-2 weeks prior to surgery.
  2. If provided FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS BEFORE your surgery and keep them at your bedside at home along with a notepad to help keep track of the medications you have taken and when. Also, have food in your stomach (unless otherwise directed) before you take your medications to reduce any nausea. DO NOT drive or drink alcohol when taking narcotic pain medication.
  3. Organise any SURGICAL GARMENTS you may require prior to the day of surgery. These will need to be brought with you on the day of the operation and will be put on in the operating room or on the ward after your procedure.
  4. IF YOU ARE PRONE TO NAUSEA OR MOTION SICKNESS let Dr Watts and your anaesthetist know. Routine anti-nausea medications can be given through your IV during your procedure or prescribed orally afterwards. If necessary, medications can also be prescribed to prevent nausea when you return home.
  5. CONSTIPATION IS COMMON FOLLOWING SURGERY. General anaesthesia slows down the gastrointestinal tract and some pain medications increase the likelihood of constipation. If you have any concerns discuss this with Dr Watts as in most cases it is okay to take a stool softener (such as over-the-counter Coloxyl) or fiber bulkers (such as Metamucil or Fybogel) following surgery. Drink lots of water and be sure to eat a balanced diet including fruits and vegetables the days before and after surgery.
  6. FOLLOW THE FASTING INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO YOU BY THE HOSPITAL STAFF PRIOR TO SURGERY. Please take any regular medications approved by Dr Watts with a sip of water on the day of your procedure.
  7. ARRANGE FOR A RESPONSIBLE ADULT TO TAKE YOU HOME AND STAY WITH YOU FOR 24 HOURS. Despite having had a thorough consultation pre-operatively people often forget some of the information told to them in the immediate post-operative phase. It is handy to have someone with you when you get discharged from hospital so they can also be educated on your initial requirements with regards to mediations and pain relief, activity levels and any drains or support garments you may have.
  8. TAKE ADEQUATE TIME OFF WORK. Having any kind of operation will require some down time. Plan to be off work until you have recovered adequately and your surgeon says it is okay to resume your normal activities. Dr Watts will suggest a period of time to have off work or your usual duties. It is important that you listen to this advice so that you have the highest chance of healing and optimising your surgical results.
  9. SET UP YOUR HOUSE SO THAT IT IS EASIER AFTER YOUR PROCEDURE. Make sure that you have important numbers written somewhere easily accessible. If you have special requirements post operatively like sitting upright, then organise your bed and couch to accommodate this. Perhaps prep some meals or have takeaway numbers close by.

PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. We are all here to make your surgical experience as comfortable as possible.

Below is a list of medications that may need to be stopped for the 7 to 14 days before surgery: If you are taking these medications please discuss them with Dr Watts.

Aspirin (ASA or Acetylsalicylic Acid) Vitamin E
Cartia Garlic
Warfarin Ginseng
Ibuprofen/naproxen St. John’s Wort
Heparin Gingko
Lovenox/clexane Fish oil

If you need pain, headache, cough, or cold medicine during the 7 to 14 days prior to surgery you may take paracetamol if not allergic.

* Disclaimer: The information provided is for general information only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are familiar with your individual medical needs.

About Dr. Guy Watts – MED0001539378
FRACS (Plas) – Specialist Plastic Surgeon In Perth WA


Dr. Guy Watts  is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon (AHPRA MED0001539378) with an extensive career that spans across renowned plastic surgery clinics worldwide. His experience has been honed through invaluable experiences at esteemed establishments such as the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and the renowned Pitanguy Clinic in Brazil.

Having collaborated with the foremost cosmetic plastic surgeons on a global scale, Dr. Watts has chosen to return to Perth after a 17-year journey of intensive training and invaluable professional experience to bring the latest practices and technology in cosmetic plastic surgery to his patients.

Dr. Watts is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) and a Member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),  Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).


Clinispa is Dr Watts’ bespoke medical clinic performing Cosmetic Aesthetic treatments. At Clinispa, we offer advanced clinical treatments in a luxurious and calming environment, tailored to support your skin’s health and appearance.

Clinispa aesthetic services are performed by Dr Guy Watts’ nursing professionals, who have a passion for and solid understanding of facial aesthetics.

All Clinispa clients are considered individually, with a personalised treatment plan consisting of advanced scientific approaches to cosmetic aesthetics. We incorporate innovative technologies in conjunction with superiorly formulated skin care.

For more information about Clinispa Aesthetic Treatments visit the Clinispa website

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