Anterior Neck Lift

Anterior Neck Lift



An anterior neck lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the neck and under the chin area. This procedure primarily focuses on removing excess skin, tightening underlying muscles, and sometimes reducing fatty tissue, resulting in a more defined neck contour. Unlike a full neck lift, the anterior neck lift specifically targets the front part of the neck, offering a less invasive option with a focus on the area most visible from the front and sides.


This procedure can be particularly effective in addressing concerns such as sagging skin due to ageing or weight loss, a double chin, or a lack of definition in the neck and jawline. By carefully reshaping this area, an anterior neck lift can provide a more rejuvenated and balanced facial appearance, enhancing both profile and frontal views.


Good candidates for anterior neck lift surgery are individuals who are experiencing signs of ageing or changes in the contour of their neck that they wish to improve. Key criteria for suitability include:


  • Physical Health: Candidates should be in good overall health, without any medical conditions that impair healing or increase the risk of surgery
  • Realistic Expectations: It is important for patients to have a realistic understanding of what the surgery can achieve. An anterior neck lift can provide significant improvements, but it is crucial to have a clear and realistic expectation of the outcome
  • Non-smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can significantly impair healing and increase the risk of complications. Candidates who smoke will be advised to quit well in advance of the surgery and throughout the recovery period
  • Age and Skin Elasticity: While there is no specific age limit for the surgery, skin elasticity plays a crucial role in the outcome. Younger skin tends to have better natural elasticity, but older patients can still achieve excellent results if their skin has maintained some of its elasticity
  • Specific Concerns: Candidates often seek an anterior neck lift due to concerns about sagging skin, a double chin, or a lack of definition in the neck and jawline area. This procedure is particularly suited for those who wish to address these specific issues
  • Psychological Health: Emotional stability and a positive outlook are important for anyone considering cosmetic surgery. Understanding the procedure, recovery, and having realistic expectations contribute to a satisfactory outcome


Dr. Guy Watts and his team are dedicated to ensuring that each patient is a suitable candidate for the procedure, providing comprehensive consultations to discuss individual goals, expectations, and any concerns.


  • Reduces neck sagging and wrinkles
  • Improves definition of the jawline
  • Effective in reducing the appearance of a double chin, particularly when caused by excess skin or localised fat deposits
  • Tightens underlying muscles


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    Anterior neck lift surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, ensuring the patient’s comfort and safety throughout the procedure. The specific techniques used during the surgery can vary depending on the individual’s needs and the extent of correction required. However, the general steps are as follows:


    • Incision: Dr. Watts will make a small incision under the chin, sometimes referred to as a submental incision. This strategic placement allows for minimal visibility of any scarring
    • Muscle Tightening: One of the key steps in an anterior neck lift is tightening the platysma muscle, which can become lax over time. This tightening helps to create a more defined neck contour and jawline
    • Fat Contouring: If there is excess fat in the neck area, liposuction may be used to remove it, further enhancing the neck’s contour
    • Skin Removal: Excess skin is carefully trimmed away to create a smoother neck appearance
    • Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures that are removed within a week or two after the surgery

    The entire procedure usually takes about two to three hours. Dr. Watts’s meticulous approach ensures that the results are as natural-looking as possible, with attention to detail and symmetry.


    Recovery times can vary from patient to patient, but most individuals can expect to return to normal activities within two to four weeks. Key points in the recovery process include:


    • Immediate Post-Operative Period: Patients will spend a short time in post-operative care before being allowed to go home. It is essential to have someone available to drive and assist for the first 24-48 hours
    • Rest and Elevation: Keeping the head elevated and avoiding any strenuous activities is crucial in the first few days after surgery to minimise swelling and promote healing
    • Managing Discomfort: Some pain and discomfort are normal, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication
    • Follow-Up Appointments: Patients will have follow-up appointments with Dr. Watts to remove sutures and check on the healing process. These appointments are also an opportunity to address any concerns or questions about recovery
    • Long-Term Care: Protecting the neck area from sun exposure and following a healthy lifestyle will help maintain the results of the surgery

    It is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Watts and his team to ensure the best possible outcome and minimise the risk of complications.


    How long do the results of an anterior neck lift last?

    The results of an anterior neck lift are long-lasting, but they do not stop the ageing process. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and skin care regimen can help prolong the results.

    Will I have visible scars?

    Scarring is a part of any surgical procedure, but Dr. Watts takes great care to make incisions in discreet locations, such as under the chin, to minimise visible scarring.

    Is the surgery painful?

    Patients may experience discomfort and tightness in the neck area, but severe pain is uncommon. Pain can be effectively managed with medications prescribed by Dr. Watts.

    Can an anterior neck lift be combined with other procedures?

    Yes, it’s common to combine an anterior neck lift with other procedures such as a facelift or chin augmentation for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

    What is the ideal age for an anterior neck lift?

    There is no ideal age for the surgery as it depends on the individual’s specific concerns and skin condition. The procedure is commonly performed on patients from their 40s to 60s, but suitability is determined on a case-by-case basis.

    What are the risks of anterior neck lift surgery?

    As with any surgical procedure, an anterior neck lift carries certain risks and potential complications. Dr. Guy Watts and his team are committed to ensuring that patients are fully informed about these risks to make educated decisions about their care. Common risks associated with anterior neck lift surgery include:

    • Anaesthesia Risks: As with any procedure requiring anaesthesia, there are risks such as allergic reactions and anaesthesia-related complications
    • Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection at the incision sites. Strict adherence to post-operative care instructions can significantly reduce this risk
    • Bleeding and Hematoma: Some bleeding is normal, but excessive bleeding can lead to a hematoma, a collection of blood underneath the skin
    • Scarring: Incisions are made in the least visible areas possible, but there is always a risk of noticeable scarring
    • Nerve Injury: There is a small risk of nerve injury, which could lead to muscle weakness or a change in sensation in the treated area
    • Asymmetry: There can be slight differences in the contour or shape on each side of the neck, although every effort is made to ensure symmetry
    • Poor Wound Healing: Certain factors like smoking or underlying health conditions can impair the healing process

    Dr. Watts ensures that all patients are aware of these risks and provides detailed pre-operative and post-operative instructions to minimise them. It is important for patients to communicate openly about their medical history and any concerns they may have.

    Medical References

    Next Steps on Your Plastic Surgery Journey 


    Always Do Your Research
    Please read our website to learn more about your intended procedure
    Do you need a Medical Referral to see Dr Guy Watts?
    Yes, a GP referral is required for all patients seeking surgery with Dr Watts. We ask all patients, medical and cosmetic, to obtain a GP referral prior to their consultation that includes a detailed medical history, any medications they may be on, and their current BMI. Patients will not be able to attend a consultation without a referral and we ask that you send your referral to our reception team prior to your consultation. Please note that your Medicare Rebates for medical consults will NOT be claimable without a valid recent Medical Referral.
    How to Get the Most from Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

    Please arrive slightly early for your in-person consultation, this will allow for any paperwork or information we may need to collect from you prior to your consultation with Dr Guy Watts.

    Dr Guy Watts encourages you to bring a friend or relative to help consider the information and discuss your options surrounding the plastic surgery procedures you are interested in.

    Please be aware you may need to undress for a physical examination by Dr Guy Watts. A chaperone will be present for the examination and we suggest you wear comfortable clothing to make this easier for you at the time of consultation.

    Please bring along notes and any questions you have to address during the consultation, take notes at the time of consultation and thoroughly examine all the documents provided by Dr Guy Watts on the surgical plastic surgery procedures.

    Want more information before scheduling your plastic surgery consultation?

    If you would like more information about pricing, medical payment plans or paying for your surgery we are happy to help

    Request more information about the procedure – call or contact us

    How to Book Your Consultation
    You can book your initial consultation via phone or email and by paying the $350 cosmetic consultation fee in advance at the time of booking your appointment
    Phone for More Information on Plastic Surgery Procedures with Dr Guy Watts

    To find out more information about surgery you can reach the friendly front desk team by phone to discuss your options for your chosen plastic surgery procedure.

    Contact us or call 08 9286 1600  to arrange your plastic surgeon consultation in Perth.


    Please email us for more information:


    Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

    Dr. Guy Watts – Specialist Plastic Surgeon In Perth WA

    Guy Watts Patient Information - DrGuyWatts-1024x1024

    Dr. Guy Watts (AHPRA Medical Reg. MED0001539378) is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with an extensive career that spans across renowned plastic surgery clinics worldwide. His exceptional expertise has been honed through invaluable experiences at esteemed establishments such as the prestigious New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and the renowned Pitanguy Clinic in Brazil.

    Having collaborated with the foremost cosmetic plastic surgeons on a global scale, Dr. Watts has chosen to return to Perth after a remarkable 17-year journey of intensive training and invaluable professional experience to bring the latest practices and technology in cosmetic plastic surgery to his patients.

    Dr. Watts is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRACS) and a Member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),  Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

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