Breast Lift with Implants

BREAST LIFT WITH IMPLANTS (Mastopexy Augmentation)

A breast lift with implants (Breast Augmentation Mastopexy) is a surgical procedure that combines a breast lift with breast augmentation. This comprehensive approach addresses both sagging and volume loss in the breasts, common concerns for many women due to ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight changes.


In this procedure, a breast lift (mastopexy) is performed to raise and firm the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. Simultaneously, breast implants are inserted to add volume and fullness. This dual procedure can enhance the overall size and shape of the breasts, providing an altered breast contour.


Who Is a Good Candidate?

Good candidates for a breast lift with implants are women seeking to change the appearance of their breasts in terms of both position and size. You might be a suitable candidate if you:

  • Are physically healthy and at a stable weight
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery
  • Have nipples and areolas that point downward or sit below the breast crease when unsupported
  • Desire an increase in breast volume along with an improvement in breast position and shape
  • Understand that while results are long-lasting, they are not immune to the effects of ageing and gravity


It’s important for candidates to have a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon, like Dr. Guy Watts, to discuss their goals, the options available, and the potential outcomes of the surgery.


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    The breast lift with implants procedure offers several key benefits:

    • Altered Breast Shape and Increased Volume: This procedure not only lifts ptotic (droopy) breasts but also adds volume and fullness, resulting in a different breast profile
    • Improved Proportions: By altering the size and shape of the breasts, this surgery can create a more balanced and proportionate figure
    • Restored Firmness: The lifting component along with the added volume of an implant in this surgery restores the firmness of the breasts, which often diminishes due to ageing, pregnancy, or weight loss
    • Corrected Asymmetry: Many women have naturally asymmetrical breasts. This procedure can help to balance and align the breasts more symmetrically


    A breast lift with implants may not be suitable for everyone. The best way to determine if it’s right for you is to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Guy Watts who can provide advice tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.



    How Is the Surgery Performed?

    Breast lift with implants surgery is a complex procedure that requires several hours and is performed under general anaesthesia. The steps include:

    • Incision: Dr. Watts makes incisions, often around the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and sometimes horizontally along the breast crease. The pattern depends on the degree of lift needed and the patient’s anatomy
    • Inserting the Implants: Depending on the agreed-upon plan, implants are placed either under the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle. The type and size of the implants are chosen based on your desired outcome, body frame, and professional recommendations
    • Lifting the Breasts: After placing the implants, excess skin is removed, and the breast tissue is reshaped to accommodate the new breast contour. The nipple and areola are repositioned appropriately to the new breast shape
    • Closing the Incisions: The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. This step not only secures the new shape but also ensures the longevity of the results
    • Immediate Results: The results of the surgery are visible immediately, though swelling and scarring will reduce over time to reveal the final outcome

    Recovery after Breast Lift with Implants

    The recovery process following a breast lift with implants involves several stages:

    • Initial Post-Operative Care: After surgery, you will be wearing a surgical bra. Although unlikely, drains may be placed to remove excess fluid, and you’ll be given specific instructions on how to care for your breasts
    • Managing Discomfort: Pain, swelling, and bruising are normal and can be managed with medications prescribed by your anaesthetist and Dr. Watts. It’s crucial to follow all post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery
    • Activity Limitations: You should avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks. Most patients can return to work and light activities within a week or two, depending on the nature of their job. More strenuous activities may be resumed at around 6 weeks after the surgery.
    • Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Watts are essential to monitor your healing and progress
    • Long-Term Care: The final results will take a few months to fully develop as your breasts settle into their new shape. Scars may fade over time but will not disappear completely


    Risks of Breast Lift with Implants

    Plastic surgery comes with inherent risks. While modern techniques and advancements have made these procedures safer than ever, it’s crucial for patients to be aware of potential complications and make informed decisions. Anaesthesia is used in most surgical procedures to ensure the patient’s comfort. However, in rare cases, it can lead to complications such as allergic reactions, lung infections, stroke, and even heart complications.


    Also, keep in mind that all surgeries result in some form of scarring. While Dr. Watts often uses techniques to minimise and strategically place these scars, some patients might experience hypertrophic or keloid scarring, which is raised and more prominent. It’s essential for anyone considering plastic surgery to thoroughly research and understand these risks. Read more about risks and potential complications of plastic surgery.


    FAQs about Breast Lift with Implants (Mastopexy Augmentation)

    How long will the results last?

    • While the results of a breast lift with implants are long-lasting, they are not immune to the effects of ageing, gravity, and lifestyle factors.

    Can I breastfeed after the surgery?

    • Breastfeeding may still be possible after the surgery, but it can depend on the specifics of the procedure.

    What are the risks of this surgery?

    • As with any surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, and reaction to anaesthesia. Specific risks related to breast lift with implants include implant leakage or rupture, changes in nipple sensation, and scarring.

    How do I choose the right implant size and type?

    • The choice of implants depends on your body frame, desired outcome, and Dr. Watts’ recommendations. This will be discussed in detail during your consultation.

    What is the difference between a breast lift and augmentation?

    • A breast lift (mastopexy) primarily addresses ptosis (sagginess) and shape, while augmentation focuses on increasing breast size. The combined procedure addresses both concerns simultaneously.

    Medical References about Breast Lift with Implants

    Dr. Guy Watts – Specialist Plastic Surgeon In Perth WA

    Guy Watts Patient Information - DrGuyWatts-1024x1024

    Dr. Guy Watts (AHPRA Medical Reg. MED0001539378) is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with an extensive career that spans across renowned plastic surgery clinics worldwide. His exceptional expertise has been honed through invaluable experiences at esteemed establishments such as the prestigious New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and the renowned Pitanguy Clinic in Brazil.

    Having collaborated with the foremost cosmetic plastic surgeons on a global scale, Dr. Watts has chosen to return to Perth after a remarkable 17-year journey of intensive training and invaluable professional experience to bring the latest practices and technology in cosmetic plastic surgery to his patients.

    Dr. Watts is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRACS) and a Member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),  Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

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