
Turkish Rhinoplasty

What Is Turkish Rhinoplasty, Benefits and Recovery

A Turkish Rhinoplasty refers to a specific technique or set of techniques used in nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty) that is tailored to address the unique anatomical features and aesthetic preferences commonly seen in Turkish individuals or those of similar ethnic backgrounds.

Dr. Guy Watts is recognised as one of Perth’s specialist plastic surgeons performing aesthetic plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty is among the various procedures Dr. Watts offers. Using a combination of techniques and a deep understanding of facial anatomy, Dr. Watts ensures that the reshaped nose harmonises with other facial features.

What Is Turkish Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that modifies the structure of the nose for either aesthetic or functional reasons. Ethnic Rhinoplasty is a subset of this procedure that takes into account the unique anatomical and aesthetic characteristics of different ethnic groups, ensuring results that harmonises with the individual’s ethnic and cultural identity.

Turkish individuals, as with many Middle Eastern populations, might have specific nasal characteristics, such as:

  • A prominent nasal hump
  • A thick nasal skin
  • A wide or bulbous nasal tip
  • A longer nose

The aim of a Turkish Rhinoplasty is to address these characteristics (if desired) by you (the patient), while maintaining an appearance that is in harmony with your other facial features and preserves or enhances your ethnic identity.

As with any Rhinoplasty, the goals and techniques should be discussed in detail with a specialist plastic surgeon who has experience in Ethnic Rhinoplasties and understands the nuances of the patient’s desires and anatomical needs.

How Is Turkish Rhinoplasty Performed?

The specifics of a Turkish Rhinoplasty, like any other Rhinoplasty, depend on the individual’s anatomy and the desired outcome. However, when addressing common features found in many Turkish noses, the following techniques or steps might be implemented:


Before the procedure, a detailed consultation with the plastic surgeon is necessary. The plastic surgeon will evaluate your facial structure, nasal anatomy, and discuss the desired outcome.


There are two main approaches to Rhinoplasty:

  • Open Rhinoplasty: Your plastic surgeon makes an incision across the columella (the soft tissue between the nostrils). This approach provides better visibility and access to the nasal structures
  • Closed Rhinoplasty: All incisions are made inside the nostrils. This method leaves no visible scarring but offers less direct access to certain nasal structures

Nasal Hump Reduction

One of the common features in many Turkish noses is a pronounced dorsal hump. Your plastic surgeon may reduce the bony and cartilaginous hump with specialised tools. This process can involve filing down the bone and cartilage or making precise cuts.

Refining the Tip

If the nasal tip is bulbous or wide, your plastic surgeon might reshape the tip cartilages. Suture techniques or cartilage removal can be used to refine the tip and give it a more defined appearance.


To narrow the nasal bones or to close the “open roof” after hump removal, your plastic surgeon might perform controlled fractures, known as osteotomies.

Alar Base Reduction

If the nostrils are flared or too wide, an alar base reduction can be done. This involves removing small wedges of tissue at the base of the nostrils.

Septal Work

In cases where there is a deviated septum or other internal obstructions, your plastic surgeon may also correct these issues to improve breathing.

Repositioning and Shaping

Once the necessary alterations are made, the nasal skin and soft tissues are redraped over the new framework. Your plastic surgeon then meticulously shapes the nose to achieve the desired appearance.


The incisions are closed using fine sutures. If an open approach was used, the small scar on the columella usually heals very well and becomes inconspicuous with time.


After the surgery, your nose might be splinted or packed to maintain its new shape and reduce swelling. You will need to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks and follow post-operative care instructions diligently.

It’s crucial for patients interested in a Turkish Rhinoplasty to find a specialist plastic surgeon with experience in Ethnic Rhinoplasties. The goal is to achieve a result that maintains or enhances the person’s ethnic identity while addressing any aesthetic or functional concerns.

Tips for Optimal Recovery after Turkish Rhinoplasty

Recovering from a Turkish Rhinoplasty, as with any Rhinoplasty procedure, requires patience, care, and adherence to post-operative instructions. Proper aftercare can influence the final result and help avoid complications. Here are some tips for optimal recovery after a Turkish Rhinoplasty:

Follow Your Plastic Surgeon’s Instructions

Always adhere to the post-operative care guidelines provided by your plastic surgeon.

Rest and Sleep Elevated

For the first few days post-surgery, keep your head elevated, even when sleeping. This can help reduce swelling

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Refrain from heavy lifting, bending over, and vigorous exercises for several weeks or as advised by your plastic surgeon.

Limit Facial Movements

Try to minimise facial expressions that can put strain on the surgical site

Cold Compress

Use a cold compress around the eyes and cheeks to help reduce swelling and provide relief

No Glasses

Avoid wearing regular glasses or sunglasses that rest on the bridge of the nose for the first few weeks. This can interfere with the healing process.

Keep Nasal Passages Moist

Your plastic surgeon might recommend saline sprays or ointments to keep the inside of the nose moist, especially if there was internal work done

Avoid Blood Thinners

Refrain from taking blood-thinning medications, herbal supplements, and certain vitamins unless approved by your plastic surgeon. These can increase the risk of bleeding

Limit Sun Exposure

The operated nose will be more sensitive to the sun. Protect it from prolonged sun exposure, which can cause discolouration or excessive swelling. Use sunscreen if you need to be out in the sun

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol can increase swelling, while smoking restricts blood flow, which can slow the healing process. Both should be avoided

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can facilitate the healing process

Maintain Good Nasal Hygiene

If instructed, clean the outside of your nostrils gently with a Q-tip soaked in hydrogen peroxide or saline solution to prevent crusting

Have Patience

It’s important to remember that the final results of a Rhinoplasty may take up to a year or more to fully manifest, as the swelling subsides and the nose settles into its new shape

Attend Follow-up Appointments and Communicate

Ensure you go to all post-operative check-ups so your plastic surgeon can monitor your healing progress. It’s essential to maintain open communication with your plastic surgeon throughout the recovery process. If you have concerns or notice anything unusual, reach out to your medical team immediately.

Why to Avoid Traveling Abroad to Get Plastic Surgery

Traveling abroad for plastic surgery, often referred to as “medical tourism,” has become increasingly popular due to advertised cost savings and the allure of combining medical procedures with a vacation. However, there are several important considerations to keep in mind when thinking about undergoing plastic surgery abroad:

Accreditation and Standards

Not all countries maintain the same rigorous standards for medical facilities and surgical training as Australia. The Australian health system is renowned for its high standards, strict regulations, and well-trained surgeons. When traveling abroad, it might be challenging to verify the credentials, training, and competency of surgeons and clinics

Risks of Surgery

Every surgery carries inherent risks, including complications such as infection, bleeding, and anaesthesia reactions. When these complications occur far from home, it can be both emotionally and financially taxing

Post-operative Care

Successful outcomes in plastic surgery are not just about the operation itself but also about the post-operative care. If complications arise after returning to Australia, it may be difficult to consult with the overseas surgeon, and local doctors might be hesitant or might not have all the necessary information to provide optimal care

Travel Risks Post-Surgery

Traveling, especially flying, soon after surgery can increase the risk of complications. For example, long flights can raise the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Communication Barriers

Language barriers can lead to misunderstandings about the procedure, risks, and post-operative care. Proper communication is crucial when discussing surgical expectations and outcomes

Different Medical and Legal Systems

If something goes wrong during or after the surgery, seeking legal recourse in another country can be complex and often unsuccessful. Understanding and navigating another country’s medical malpractice laws can be challenging

Additional Costs

While the surgery itself might be cheaper, other costs can add up, such as travel, accommodation, post-operative care, and potential treatments for complications. If complications arise, the additional medical costs, coupled with the costs of extended stay and return travel, can negate any initial savings

Emotional Support

Being in a foreign country, away from family and friends, can be isolating if recovery becomes challenging

Cultural Differences

Cultural standards of beauty can vary. A procedure deemed popular and standard in one country might not align with an individual’s personal or cultural aesthetic preferences

Inadequate Follow-Up

Regular follow-ups are vital after plastic surgery. Being thousands of miles away from the operating surgeon makes consistent follow-up appointments difficult

FAQs about Turkish Rhinoplasty

What is the difference between a traditional Rhinoplasty and a Turkish Rhinoplasty?

  • A traditional Rhinoplasty is a general term for a surgical procedure that modifies the structure of the nose for aesthetic or functional reasons.
  • A Turkish Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, refers to techniques specifically tailored to address the unique anatomical features and aesthetic preferences common in Turkish individuals or those of similar ethnic backgrounds. It’s a subset of Ethnic Rhinoplasty focused on preserving and enhancing the patient’s ethnic identity.

How long is the recovery period after a Rhinoplasty?

  • Recovery after Rhinoplasty varies among individuals.
  • Generally, most patients experience bruising and swelling for about 10-14 days.
  • You might need to wear a nasal splint during the first week.
  • While many people return to work or school within two weeks, it’s crucial to avoid strenuous activities for at least 3-6 weeks.
  • Complete healing and settling of the nasal tissues can take up to a year or more.

Can Rhinoplasty improve my breathing?

  • Yes, Rhinoplasty can address functional issues.
  • If you have a deviated septum or other structural problems that obstruct airflow, a Septoplasty (often combined with Rhinoplasty) can be performed to improve nasal breathing.

Are the results of a Turkish Rhinoplasty permanent?

  • The results of a Turkish Rhinoplasty are permanent. But it’s important to note that the nose, like other parts of the body, can undergo changes due to ageing, injuries, or other factors.
  • While the fundamental changes from the surgery remain, subtle alterations may occur over the years.

Are there non-surgical alternatives to Rhinoplasty or Turkish Rhinoplasty?

  • Yes, there are non-surgical nose surgery options that use dermal fillers to make temporary adjustments to the nose’s appearance.
  • By injecting fillers into specific areas, a physician can smooth out minor bumps, alter the nasal tip, or make other subtle changes. However, these non-surgical treatments are temporary (lasting from several months to a couple of years) and there are limits to the changes they can achieve in comparison to surgical Rhinoplasty.

Further Reading about Nose Procedures with Dr. Guy Watts

Medical References and Studies about Turkish Rhinoplasty

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