Breast Implant

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Shape – Round Vs Teardrop

Round or Teardrop Breast Implants for Breast Augmentation Surgery

When considering Breast Augmentation, one of the important decisions you will need to make is the shape of the breast implant. There are two main breast implant shapes available: round and teardrop. This blog aims to provide you with advice on making the right choice for your breast implant surgery, focusing on the features, benefits, and factors to consider when choosing between round and teardrop breast implants.

Dr. Guy Watts is a Perth Specialist Plastic Surgeon with a strong background in Breast Augmentation and Reconstructive surgery.

Round Breast Implants: Features and Benefits

Round breast implants are the most common type of implant used in Breast Augmentation procedures. They have a symmetrical shape and are available in various sizes and profiles. Round implants are filled with either silicone gel or saline solution, offering a natural feel and appearance.

One of the benefits of round breast implants is that they provide a uniform fullness to the entire breast. This results in a more significant upper breast fullness and cleavage, which some women find desirable. Round implants also tend to be more forgiving in terms of placement, as their symmetrical shape allows for a natural look even if the implant rotates within the breast pocket.

Round breast implants often have a lower cost compared to teardrop implants, making them an attractive option for those on a budget. They also have a lower risk of complications such as rippling and rotation, as their uniform shape distributes pressure evenly across the implant.

Teardrop Breast Implants: Features and Benefits

Teardrop breast implants, also known as anatomical or shaped implants, have a more natural, sloping contour that closely resembles the shape of a natural breast. The upper portion of the implant is thinner, while the lower part is fuller, creating a gentle slope that is similar to the appearance of a natural breast.

One of the main benefits of teardrop breast implants is that they provide a more seamless result compared to round implants. This makes them an ideal choice for women who desire a subtle enhancement or those with minimal breast tissue, as they can create a more proportionate and balanced appearance. Teardrop implants are also available in various sizes and projections, allowing for a high degree of customisation.

Teardrop breast implants are often made with a highly cohesive silicone gel that maintains its shape over time, reducing the risk of implant distortion and rippling. However, it is essential to note that teardrop implants usually have a higher cost and a slightly higher risk of complications such as rotation or shifting within the breast pocket.

Comparing Round and Teardrop Breast Implants

When comparing round and teardrop breast implants, it is vital to consider the aesthetic goals you wish to achieve, as well as the unique characteristics of each implant type. Round implants provide a fuller, more rounded appearance to the breasts, with enhanced upper breast fullness and cleavage. In contrast, teardrop implants offer a more subtle enhancement.

In terms of cost, round breast implants are generally more affordable than teardrop implants. However, it is essential to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of each implant type to determine which option suits your specific needs and goals best. Ultimately, the decision should be made in consultation with Dr. Watts who can guide you through the selection process and provide advice based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Breast Implant Shape

When choosing the breast implants shape that is right for you, it is essential to consider several factors, including:

Aesthetic goals

Consider what you hope to achieve with your Breast Augmentation. If you desire a more significant upper breast fullness and cleavage, round implants may be the better option. However, if you prefer a more subtle enhancement, teardrop implants may be more suitable.

Existing breast tissue

Your existing breast tissue plays a significant role in determining which implant shape is best for you. Women with minimal breast tissue may benefit from teardrop implants, which can create a more proportionate appearance. Round implants may be more appropriate for those with adequate breast tissue who wish to enhance their existing shape.


Your unique anatomy, including factors such as chest width, breast base width, and skin elasticity, can influence the suitability of different breast implant shapes. Consulting with Dr. Watts can help determine which implant shape will complement your individual anatomy.

Cost and potential complications

While round implants are generally more affordable and have a lower risk of complications, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits and potential risks.

What Implants Look The Most Natural?

When it comes to achieving a natural look with breast implants, there are a few factors to consider. While both round and teardrop implants can provide natural-looking results, teardrop implants are often preferred for their ability to mimic the natural shape of the breast.

Teardrop implants, also known as anatomical implants, are designed with a tapered shape that closely resembles the contours of a natural breast. They are narrower at the top and gradually widen towards the bottom. This shape can help create a more realistic breast profile, especially for women who desire a subtle enhancement or have less existing breast tissue.

The textured surface of teardrop implants also aids in maintaining their position within the breast pocket, reducing the risk of rotation and maintaining the desired shape over time. This feature helps the implants stay in place, aligning with the patient’s natural anatomy.

That being said, achieving natural-looking results is not solely dependent on the implant shape. Other factors such as implant size, placement (above or below the muscle), and the experience of the plastic surgeon performing the procedure also play important roles in achieving the desired outcome.

What Type Of Breast Implants Last The Longest?

The longevity of breast implants can vary depending on several factors, including the type of implant material used. The two main types of breast implants are saline and silicone implants.

Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. While they can provide a natural feel and appearance, saline implants generally have a slightly higher risk of rupture compared to silicone implants. If a saline implant ruptures, the saline solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body, and the rupture is easily noticeable. In terms of longevity, saline implants require replacement or revision surgery if they rupture or deflate.

Silicone implants have a cohesive silicone gel filling, which closely resembles the feel of natural breast tissue. Silicone implants have a lower risk of rupture, and in case of a rupture, it may be less noticeable as the gel may stay within the implant shell or remain in the surrounding breast tissue. It is still important to monitor silicone implants and have regular follow-ups with Dr. Watts.

Common Myths about Breast Implant Shapes

There are several misconceptions surrounding breast implant shapes, which can create confusion when selecting the best option for your needs. Some common myths include:

  • Round implants always look unnatural: While round implants can create a fuller, more rounded appearance, they can also provide a natural look, particularly when placed under the muscle or when using a lower profile implant
  • Teardrop implants are always the best choice for a natural look: While teardrop implants do closely mimic the shape of a natural breast, they may not be the best option for everyone. Factors such as existing breast tissue, anatomy, and desired outcome play a crucial role in determining the most suitable implant shape
  • Implant shape is the only factor that affects the final result: While implant shape plays a significant role in the final outcome, other factors such as implant size, placement, and surgical technique also contribute to the overall appearance of the augmented breast

Consultation for Breast Implants Surgery

The best way to ensure you select the right breast implant type for your specific needs and goals is to consult with a specialist plastic surgeon. Dr. Watts will evaluate your anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and provide recommendations based on his knowledge and experience. He may also use advanced imaging techniques, such as 3D imaging, to help you visualise the potential results of different implant shapes and sizes.

During your consultation, be sure to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have. Dr. Watts will provide detailed information about the various implant types, their associated risks and benefits, and their recommendations for achieving an optimal outcome.

How to Prepare For Breast Implant Surgery

Once you have selected the right breast implant shape and size, it is essential to prepare for your surgery. This may include:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Adopting a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption will help improve your overall
  • Discussing medications and supplements: Inform Dr. Watts of any medications, supplements, or herbal remedies you are taking. You may need to be stop or swap some before surgery to reduce the risk of complications
  • Arranging for postoperative care: Ensure you have someone to drive you home after surgery and assist with daily tasks during the initial recovery period
  • Preparing your home: Create a comfortable, easily accessible recovery space with all necessary supplies, such as pillows, ice packs, and medications

Further Reading about Breast Procedures with Dr. Watts

Medical References about Breast Implants

Dr Guy Watts

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