Facial Augmentation


Facial augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure that aims to enhance and refine the facial features, bringing about a harmonious balance and improved aesthetics. Dr. Guy Watts, with his extensive expertise in plastic and reconstructive surgery, offers comprehensive facial augmentation solutions in Perth. Whether you’re looking to accentuate certain features, restore lost volume, or achieve a more symmetrical appearance, Dr. Guy Watts provides tailored treatments to meet individual aesthetic goals.

What Is Facial Augmentation?


Facial augmentation encompasses a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to enhance, reshape, and rejuvenate the facial features. These procedures can address various concerns, including:


  • Volume Enhancement: As we age, the face can lose its natural volume, leading to a sunken or hollowed appearance. Facial augmentation can restore this volume, giving the face a more plump look
  • Feature Enhancement: Whether it’s the cheekbones, chin, or jawline, facial augmentation can accentuate and define specific features, bringing about a more sculpted appearance
  • Symmetry Correction: Facial asymmetry, whether natural or due to trauma, can be addressed through augmentation procedures, ensuring a balanced and harmonious look
  • Rejuvenation: Beyond adding volume or enhancing features, facial augmentation can also rejuvenate the skin, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture
  • Customisation: Every individual has unique facial features and aesthetic preferences. Facial augmentation procedures are highly customisable, allowing for treatments that align with each person’s desires and facial anatomy


Facial augmentation is both an art and a science, requiring a keen aesthetic eye and surgical precision. It’s essential to have a thorough consultation to discuss individual needs, potential outcomes, and the overall treatment plan.

Who Is a Good Candidate?


Identifying the right candidates for facial augmentation involves a combination of physical assessments and understanding individual desires. Here are some factors that might make someone a suitable candidate for facial augmentation:


  • Desire for Enhanced Features: Individuals looking to accentuate or define specific facial features, such as the cheekbones, chin, or jawline, might benefit from facial augmentation
  • Volume Loss: Ageing, weight loss, or genetic factors can lead to a loss of facial volume. Those seeking to restore this volume and achieve a fuller facial appearance might consider augmentation procedures
  • Facial Asymmetry: For those with noticeable facial asymmetry, whether congenital or due to trauma, facial augmentation can help achieve a more balanced appearance
  • Good Skin Health: While facial augmentation can enhance features and add volume, it’s beneficial if the candidate has relatively healthy skin, free from severe acne, deep scarring, or other significant issues
  • Realistic Expectations: Understanding the potential outcomes and having realistic expectations is crucial. Candidates should be well-informed about the procedure, its benefits, and any potential risks
  • Overall Health: As with any procedure, being in good general health reduces the risk of complications and aids in a smoother recovery
  • Non-smokers: Smoking can complicate the healing process. It’s advisable for candidates to quit smoking at least a few weeks before and after the procedure


If you have structural facial deficiencies or skeletal asymmetries then implant augmentation may be appropriate. Genioplasty (chin augmentation) is the most common facial implant procedure performed by Dr Watts but jaw, cheek and forehead implants can profoundly change our facial balance and proportions. With advancing computer analysis and planning, facial implants are entering into a new era. Customised implant design with anatomical matching of skeletal profile and precise volumetric changes mean surgical accuracy is reaching new possibilities. Traditional pre-fabricated off the shelf implants still play an integral role with significant cost savings over customised implants. When considering facial implants patients need to be aware that all material utilised is biologically compatible and has passed exacting health specifications. Facial implants however are not your own tissue and a clear understanding of their role and limitations needs to be understood. During your personalised consultation with Dr Watts you will be able to discuss your goals and desires and investigate the possibilities available for you.


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    • Enhance a receded or ‘undersized’ chin
    • Improve jawline definition
    • Enhance definition of the cheeks
    • Replace lost volume to cheeks
    • Correct facial asymmetry
    • Augment and rejuvenate facial contours
    • Improve facial proportion and aesthetic balance


    How Is the Surgery Performed?


    Facial augmentation encompasses a variety of techniques, depending on the specific area being addressed and the desired outcome. Here’s a general overview of how these procedures are typically performed:


    • Consultation and Planning: Before the procedure, a detailed consultation with Dr. Guy Watts is essential to discuss the desired outcomes, assess facial anatomy, and plan the augmentation approach
    • Anaesthesia: Depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient’s comfort level, local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia may be administered
    • Incisions: For surgical augmentations, incisions are strategically placed to ensure minimal visibility. For instance, chin or cheek augmentations might involve incisions inside the mouth or along natural skin creases
    • Implant Placement: If implants are being used, such as for chin or cheek augmentation, they are carefully positioned and secured through the incisions
    • Dermal Fillers: For non-surgical augmentations, dermal fillers can be injected to add volume or contour specific areas. These fillers are administered using fine needles, with precision and care
    • Fat Transfer: In some cases, fat from another part of the patient’s body is harvested, purified, and then injected into the desired facial areas for augmentation
    • Closure: For surgical procedures, incisions are meticulously closed using sutures to ensure optimal healing and minimal scarring
    • Immediate Post-Op Care: After the procedure, the treated areas might be bandaged or supported to minimise swelling and ensure the best possible results

    Recovery after Facial Augmentation Surgery


    The recovery process for facial augmentation varies based on the specific procedure and the individual’s healing rate. Here’s what patients can generally expect:


    • Initial Phase: Some swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common in the days following the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medications or prescribed medications can help manage these symptoms
    • Activity Restrictions: Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks. Light activities, however, can be resumed within a few days
    • Dietary Adjustments: For procedures involving incisions inside the mouth, a soft food diet might be recommended initially to prevent discomfort or injury
    • Oral Care: If incisions are made inside the mouth, maintaining oral hygiene becomes paramount. Rinsing with antiseptic mouthwash and gentle brushing can help prevent infections
    • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ups with Dr. Guy Watts are crucial to monitor the healing process, address any concerns, and ensure the best possible results
    • Final Results: While initial improvements are noticeable soon after the procedure, the final results become evident once all swelling and bruising have subsided, typically a few weeks post-operation
    • Long-Term Care: To maintain the results of non-surgical augmentations like fillers, touch-up treatments might be required over time. Surgical augmentations, on the other hand, offer long-lasting results

    Risks of Facial Augmentation Surgery


    Plastic surgery comes with inherent risks. While modern techniques and advancements have made these procedures safer than ever, it’s crucial for patients to be aware of potential complications and make informed decisions. Anaesthesia is used in most surgical procedures to ensure the patient’s comfort. However, in rare cases, it can lead to complications such as allergic reactions, lung infections, stroke, and even heart complications.


    Also, keep in mind that all surgeries result in some form of scarring. While Dr. Watts often uses techniques to minimise and strategically place these scars, some patients might experience hypertrophic or keloid scarring, which is raised and more prominent. It’s essential for anyone considering plastic surgery to thoroughly research and understand these risks. Read more about risks and potential complications of plastic surgery.

    FAQs about Facial Augmentation

    Can facial augmentation be combined with other procedures?

    • Yes, facial augmentation can often be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty, facelift, or eyelid surgery, to achieve a comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

    Are the materials used for augmentation safe?

    • The implants and fillers used in facial augmentation are made from biocompatible materials that have been extensively tested and approved for medical use. They are designed to integrate seamlessly with the body’s tissues.

    How do I decide between surgical and non-surgical augmentation?

    • The choice between surgical and non-surgical augmentation depends on the desired results, the extent of change sought, and personal preferences. A consultation with Dr. Guy Watts can provide insights and recommendations tailored to individual needs.

    What’s the difference between dermal fillers and muscle relaxing injections?

    • While both are injectables, dermal fillers are used to add volume and contour specific facial areas, whereas the muscle relaxant is a neuromodulator that has an effect on the facial muscles to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

    How long do the results of non-surgical facial augmentation last?

    • The longevity of non-surgical augmentation results varies based on the type of filler used and individual factors. Typically, results can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, after which touch-up treatments might be needed.

    Is facial augmentation reversible?

    • Non-surgical augmentations with fillers are often reversible, and the effects naturally diminish over time. Certain fillers can also be dissolved if needed. Surgical augmentations, on the other hand, are more permanent, but revisions can be made if necessary.

    Medical References about Facial Augmentation

    Next Steps on Your Plastic Surgery Journey 


    Always Do Your Research
    Please read our website to learn more about your intended procedure
    Do you need a Medical Referral to see Dr Guy Watts?
    Yes, a GP referral is required for all patients seeking surgery with Dr Watts. We ask all patients, medical and cosmetic, to obtain a GP referral prior to their consultation that includes a detailed medical history, any medications they may be on, and their current BMI. Patients will not be able to attend a consultation without a referral and we ask that you send your referral to our reception team prior to your consultation. Please note that your Medicare Rebates for medical consults will NOT be claimable without a valid recent Medical Referral.
    How to Get the Most from Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

    Please arrive slightly early for your in-person consultation, this will allow for any paperwork or information we may need to collect from you prior to your consultation with Dr Guy Watts.

    Dr Guy Watts encourages you to bring a friend or relative to help consider the information and discuss your options surrounding the plastic surgery procedures you are interested in.

    Please be aware you may need to undress for a physical examination by Dr Guy Watts. A chaperone will be present for the examination and we suggest you wear comfortable clothing to make this easier for you at the time of consultation.

    Please bring along notes and any questions you have to address during the consultation, take notes at the time of consultation and thoroughly examine all the documents provided by Dr Guy Watts on the surgical plastic surgery procedures.

    Want more information before scheduling your plastic surgery consultation?

    If you would like more information about pricing, medical payment plans or paying for your surgery we are happy to help

    Request more information about the procedure – call or contact us

    How to Book Your Consultation
    You can book your initial consultation via phone or email and by paying the $350 cosmetic consultation fee in advance at the time of booking your appointment
    Phone for More Information on Plastic Surgery Procedures with Dr Guy Watts

    To find out more information about surgery you can reach the friendly front desk team by phone to discuss your options for your chosen plastic surgery procedure.

    Contact us or call 08 9286 1600  to arrange your plastic surgeon consultation in Perth.


    Please email us for more information:  admin@guywattsplasticsurgeon.com.au


    Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

    Dr. Guy Watts – Specialist Plastic Surgeon In Perth WA

    Guy Watts Patient Information - DrGuyWatts-1024x1024

    Dr. Guy Watts (AHPRA Medical Reg. MED0001539378) is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with an extensive career that spans across renowned plastic surgery clinics worldwide. His exceptional expertise has been honed through invaluable experiences at esteemed establishments such as the prestigious New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and the renowned Pitanguy Clinic in Brazil.

    Having collaborated with the foremost cosmetic plastic surgeons on a global scale, Dr. Watts has chosen to return to Perth after a remarkable 17-year journey of intensive training and invaluable professional experience to bring the latest practices and technology in cosmetic plastic surgery to his patients.

    Dr. Watts is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRACS) and a Member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),  Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

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